Everything Comes From the Mind

Course categoryKarma

In this module of Living in the Path, Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains how everything comes from our mind: everything that appears to us comes from our karma (the mental factor intention) as well as from our mind labeling it and our mind projecting the hallucination of true existence on it. The teachings also include a variety of methods to help stop anger and develop patience based on understanding karma and emptiness.

The Secret of the Mind

Course categoryKarma

In this module of Living in the Path, Lama Zopa Rinpoche shows us that mind and karma – rather than external conditions – are the source of all our happiness and suffering. Rinpoche bases this teaching on two verses from the Dhammapada taught by the Buddha as well as the following verse from Shantideva's Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Way of Life:

Any person who doesn’t know
The secret of the mind, the supreme principal of Dharma,
Even if desiring to achieve happiness and destroy suffering,
Will wander [in samsara], meaninglessly.

Abandon Stretching the Legs

Course categoryNature of Samsara

In Abandon Stretching the Legs, Lama Zopa Rinpoche reflects on a short verse that tells us to give up being lazy and thereby "Abandon stretching the legs," to understand the nature of samsara and samsaric pleasures and thereby "Give up entering samsara," and to do as "Vajrasattva, urges again and again" by generating bodhichitta and striving to achieve enlightenment as quickly as possible.

Transforming Kaka into Gold

Course categoryLojong - Mind Training

In this module of Living in the Path, Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains the essence of lojong, a Tibetan term often translated as “thought transformation” or “mind training,” which refers to practices for training the mind to use suffering and problems in the path to enlightenment, whereby we become able to transform kaka (suffering and problems) into gold (a method for attaining the lasting  happiness of full enlightenment). 

Bringing Emptiness to Life

Course categoryEmptiness

In this module of Living in the Path, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gives detailed and very clear teachings on the extremely important subject of emptiness, the realization of which is necessary to achieve both liberation from samara and full enlightenment. 

Are You Sitting on Your I?

Course categoryEmptiness

In this module of Living in the Path, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gives extensive teachings on how the I that appears to us and that we believe in is a TOTAL hallucination. It includes a wonderful debate with the Kopan November course teacher on not finding the merely labeled I anywhere. Rinpoche skillfully concludes the debate by saying: 

It doesn’t exist on the aggregates, but it exists down below the aggregates. According to you, your merely labeled I exists on your dingwa, down below your aggregates. So your aggregates are sitting on your merely labeled I! 

In short, you are sitting on your merely labeled I. There is your dingwa, there is your merely labeled I, and then your aggregates are sitting on [your merely labeled I]. So you have a double cushion: one is your dingwa and one is your merely labeled I, and your aggregates are sitting on them! 

Smashing the Delusions

Course categoryEmptiness

In this module of Living in the Path, Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains the meaning of an often recited verse: 

A star, a defective view, a flame,
An illusion, a drop of dew, a bubble,
A dream, a flash of lightning, a cloud:
See causative phenomena as such.

This verse, which comes toward the end of the Vajra Cutter Sutra, sets out nine analogies, five for impermanence and four for emptiness. In these teachings Rinpoche urges us to practice mindfulness in our daily lives of how we ourselves and all the objects of our attachment, anger, and ignorance are impermanent and empty of true existence. 

Living in the Path Forum

Course categoryDiscussion and Technical Support Forums

Heart Advice for Death and Dying

Course categoryAdvice for Death & Dying

HADDThis course provides practical ways for thinking about and preparing for your own and others' death. It is suitable for anyone—Buddhist or not—who is interested in learning about death and dying from a Buddhist perspective. As a result of having done this course, you feel much more confident about facing your own death and also for helping others die. 

The course consists of five sessions of teachings, ten guided meditations, ten mindfulness practices to help keep the teachings in mind throughout the day, and many other materials to help you prepare for your own and others' death. The course book, Heart Advice for Death and Dying, includes teachings and meditations by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. How to Enjoy Death, also by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, is highly recommended additional reading.

The course is taught by Ven. Sangye Khadro, a senior American teacher of Tibetan Buddhism known for her engaging, gentle, and down-to-earth teaching style.

Introduction to FPMT Basic Program Online

Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

This is a free course where you can find everything you need to know if you want to take part in FPMT Basic Program Online:
- a brief introduction,
- the curriculum, including standard texts and subject descriptions,
- the prerequisites for successful study of BP Online,
- how to choose the order in which to study the BP Online subjects,
- how BP Online study is supported by discussion, meditation, short retreats and practice,
- an explanation of the certificate option and the BP Online completion requirements
- and an introduction to the BP subjects by Geshe Jampa Gyatso.

Mind and Cognition, part 1, AWARENESSES AND KNOWERS

Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

The study of mind, both in its valid and distorted forms, helps develop our understanding of the way the mind knows phenomena. A number of important themes are introduced, including the relationship between subject and object, supramundane (yogic) knowing and the connection between thought and reality. Venerable George Churinoff’s teachings for the FPMT Basic Program at Land of Medicine Buddha are based on Yongdzin Purbuchok’s Explanation of the Presentation of Objects and Object-Possessors as well as Awarenesses and Knowers.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete this subject is three months.

Mind and Cognition, part 2, MINDS AND MENTAL FACTORS

Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

An introduction to Buddhist psychology, identifying the mental factors that constitute the basis of our daily experience and defining the various positive and negative emotions as well as the cognitive states relevant to practice of a liberative path. The FPMT Basic Program teachings by Venerable George Churinoff at Land of Medicine Buddha are based on Kachen Yeshe Gyaltsen’s A Necklace for Those of Clear Awareness Clearly Revealing the Modes of Minds and Mental Factors.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete this course is three months.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

The four main schools of Buddhist tenets represent the differing levels of interpretation of the sutras delivered by the Buddha. Kurukulla Center’s Geshe Tsulga gives a clear and practical commentary on Jetsün Chökyi Gyaltsen’s Presentation of Tenets, showing how the Madhyamaka teachings on profound emptiness and buddhahood evolve from and complement the more elementary teachings of the Vaibhasika, Sautrantika and Cittamatra schools.

This subject supports a gradual development of insight in emptiness. It is an essential preparation for understanding the wisdom chapters of the Basic Program subjects Stages of the Path and Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete this subject is four and a half months.

STAGES OF THE PATH Middle Length Lamrim

Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

The stages of the path of beings of small, middling, and great capacity are presented in a contemporary commentary to Lama Tsongkhapa’s Middle Length Explanation of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, offered for the FPMT Basic Program at Nalanda Monastery, by the abbot, Geshe Losang Jamphel, and resident FPMT Basic Program teacher, Geshe Sonam Ngodrub. This subject is rich in guidelines for practical application and includes detailed instructions for meditation and retreat.

The aim of this FPMT Basic Program Online course is for students to acquire a thorough understanding and structured overview of Lama Tsongkhapa’s lamrim presentation, and to develop experience of applying these teachings in daily practice, meditation and retreat. Upon completion, students should be able to conduct their own lamrim retreats and to use the lamrim as a basis and context for their meditation, further study, and daily life experience.

The suggested amount of time to complete this subject is seven and a half months.

Please note that prior study of TENETS and AWARENESSES AND KNOWERS is recommended to facilitate a good understanding of the Calm Abiding and Special Insight sections, which constitute an important part of this text.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

In this commentary, offered for the five year residential FPMT Basic Program at Nalanda Monastery, Geshe Sonam Ngodrub gives a detailed introduction to the modes of practice of the perfection of wisdom on the five Mahayana paths, as indicated by the Heart Sutra and its renowned mantra.

Completed with a short guided retreat, this course is aimed at acquiring a thorough understanding of the meaning of this precious text and the different levels of meditation on emptiness taught by it, while also deepening students’ own practice and explaining how to meditate on the Heart Sutra when engaging in the auspicious recitation of it.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete this subject is three months.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

The Wheel of Sharp Weapons, composed by the great Indian yogi Dharmarakshita, is among the most esteemed of the celebrated mind training teachings. Mahayana training in perfect altruism is seen as the means to achieve lasting happiness and peace for oneself and others, and Dharmarakshita's Wheel as the supreme means to cut through our true enemies - self-grasping and self-cherishing.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete this subject is four months.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

One of the major texts studied in all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, Maitreya’s Sublime Continuum clarifies the meaning of our buddha potential, in particular the emptiness of the mind that allows evolution to a state of complete enlightenment.

Geshe Tenzin Tenphel explains the first chapter for the FPMT Basic Program at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Italy with a focus on the fourth vajra subject, The Tathagata Essence, drawing from both the root verses and Gyaltsabje’s commentary to offer a concise and lucid explanation of this inspiring subject.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete this subject is five months.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

ENGAGING IN THE BODHISATTVA DEEDS, PART 1 comprises the first of a two-part series of teachings based on the Bodhicharyavatara by Shantideva. Geshe Jamphel Gyaltsen, who teaches the residential FPMT Basic Program at Nalanda Monastery in the South of France, explains the Bodhicharyavatara verse by verse with an emphasis on applying the teaching to daily life. Part 1 includes the teachings on the first five chapters.

The course is completed with a short guided retreat and includes meditations and overviews aimed at familiarizing oneself with the bodhisattva aspiration, directing one’s life and actions towards complete enlightenment in order to benefit all beings.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete this subject is four months.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

ENGAGING IN THE BODHISATTVA DEEDS, PART 2 comprises the second of the two-part series of teachings on the Bodhicharyavatara by Shantideva. Geshe Jamphel Gyaltsen, who teaches the FPMT Basic Program at Nalanda Monastery in the South of France, explains the Bodhicharyavatara verse by verse. His emphasis is always on applying the teaching to daily life, but when appropriate for his audience and called for by the text, a scholarly approach is included as well.

ENGAGING IN THE BODHISATTVA DEEDS, PART 2 consists of chapter VI to X. Chapter VI teaches on patience in a practical way that leaves no room for excuses; chapter VII expounds on the methods to sustain joyous effort; and chapter VIII offers extra-ordinary instructions for developing concentration. The challenging ninth chapter guides us into the perfection of wisdom by means of dialogues between different schools and tenet systems, and chapter X, the famous dedication chapter often quoted from by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, offers a perfect and inspiring illustration of the perfection of giving.

The course is completed with a short guided retreat; in addition to extra meditations and the study materials provided this should make the second part of this important text more readily accessible.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete ENGAGING IN THE BODHISATTVA DEEDS, PART 2 is nine months.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

Maitreya’s Abhisamayalamkara (Ornament for Clear Realization), the basis for extensive study in the Tibetan monastic curriculum, makes explicit what is presented in a hidden manner in the Buddha’s Perfection of Wisdom teachings: the levels of realization related to enlightenment.

ORNAMENT FOR CLEAR REALIZATION, Chapter 4 presents the teaching on Maitreya’s text as offered by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi for the FPMT Basic Program at Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore.

In accordance with the guidelines for FPMT Basic Program implementation, the focus is on an overview of the Eight Categories that outline the eight chapters of the entire text, and, from the vast content of the fourth chapter, on the Harmonies of Enlightenment. From among the 173 aspects of the three knowers, the subject matter of the first of the eleven topics of chapter four, the 37 harmonies represent the aspects of a buddha’s omniscient mind that are concordant with the practices engaged in by hearers. They include the four foundations of mindfulness, the four legs of magical emanation, the eightfold noble path, etc.

The teachings are interspersed with meditation advice to be explored while studying the subject; the meditations will give the challenging and intricate subject matter a context of contemplation and inspired motivation.

For students interested in exploring the fourth chapter further, ample supplementary study material is provided in various forms, from concise to very extensive.

The suggested amount of time to complete ORNAMENT FOR CLEAR REALIZATION, Chapter 4 is five months.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

GROUNDS AND PATHS OF SECRET MANTRA offers a concise overview of the structure of the tantric path, presenting the paths of all four classes of tantra. While not being a guide to highest yoga tantra practice itself, this subject provides a clear overview of its complex path structure. Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche offered the oral commentary on Ngawang Palden’s Illumination of the Tantric Tradition, the FPMT Basic Program standard text for this subject, at Vajrapani Institute in 2003. The perfectly edited transcript of the teachings, published as Principles of Buddhist Tantra, includes the translation of the standard BP text and is the required course book for this BP Online subject.

At the explicit advice of Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, who felt that those with faith would benefit, this teaching on GROUNDS AND PATHS OF SECRET MANTRA is offered without the customary restriction of a prior highest yoga tantra empowerment and its commitments. The subject should not be studied though without extensive prior engagement with the Dharma, and sincere respect for and faith in the Buddhist tantric path.

The suggested amount of time needed to complete this subject is five months.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

Seventy Topics is an optional subject for centers offering the FPMT Basic Program; it is not included in the BP review and final exam. The subject is added to BPOL as a complementary course, free of charge. The presentation of the course does not follow the usual BPOL course lay-out; it consists only of a main page, which serves to introduce the subject and the teacher and links to the video recordings. There are thirteen video recordings of the teaching sessions, each approximately two hours long, and starting with a fifteen minute guided meditation. The slides used for the teachings are separately provided in bookmarked PDF format. 70 Topics provides an overview of the Ornament for Clear Realization, the implicit teachings of the Perfection of Wisdom sutras that outline what bodhisattvas need to do in order to become fully enlightened - in addition to realizing emptiness.... The subject is presented here by FPMT Masters Program graduate and experienced teacher and meditation leader Venerable Sangye Khadro, who explains a selection from among the many definitions and divisions, in keeping with the interest of her audience. She generously shares many points of understanding that have touched and inspired her during her studies. Much benefit is to be derived from engaging with these teachings and meditations, whether as a stand-alone course or as an introduction for the study of Chapter 4 of the Ornament. Your enrollment key is 70TOPICS.

FPMT Basic Program Online Discussion Forums

Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

The purpose of the forums is for students of FPMT Basic Program Online to explore the content of the BP subjects, supporting each other in the study and practice of the materials presented. The forums will be attended by BP Online well qualified elders who may occasionally post questions and topics for discussion as well.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

Welcome to the BP PROGRAM COMPLETION page!

Here you will find everything needed to complete your FPMT Basic Program with review, final exam and retreat, and information about graduation and the completion certificate.

Materials included are the Review Questions that facilitate the three-month review period, Guidelines for the Review, information regarding the Review honor statement, an introduction to the support materials for the One-month Lamrim Retreat, instructions to access and complete the BP Final Exam, and how to graduate and receive your Completion Certificate.

To request an enrollment key for the PROGRAM COMPLETION page please contact the FPMT Education Services BP coordinator.

You qualify to participate in the review and final exam if you have successfully completed the nine core curriculum subjects of the BP, either online or in a center or by a combination of those two.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

¡Bienvenidos a la página de PB COMPLETACIÓN DEL PROGRAMA!

Aquí encontrará todo lo necesario para completar su Programa Básico de la FPMT con revisión, exámen final y retiro, incluyendo la graduación y el certificado de finalización.

Los materiales incluidos son las preguntas de revisión que facilitan el período de repaso de tres meses, las pautas para la revisión, la hoja de confirmación de la declaración de honor de repaso requerida, una introducción a los materiales de apoyo de retiro de lamrim de un mes, instrucciones para acceder y completar el examen final de PB, y como graduarse y recibir su certificado de finalización.

Para solicitar una clave de inscripción para la página de COMPLETACIÓN DEL PROGRAMA, comuníquese con el Coordinador del PB de los Servicios de Educación de la FPMT.

Usted está cualificado para participar en el repaso y el exámen final al completar con éxito los nueve temas principales del plan de estudios del PB, ya sea en línea o en un centro, o por una combinación de esos dos.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

Benvenuto nel materiale di BP COMPLETAMENTO DEL PROGRAMMA!

Qui troverete tutto il necessario per completare il vostro FPMT Basic Program con il ripasso, l’esame finale e il ritiro, compreso il diploma e il certificato di completamento.

I materiali inclusi sono le domande di ripasso che facilitano il periodo di ripasso di tre mesi, le linee guida per la ripasso, il foglio di conferma della dichiarazione d'onore di ripasso richiesto, un'introduzione ai materiali di supporto di ritiro di lamrim di un mese, le istruzioni per accedere e completare l'esame finale BP e per conseguire il diploma e ricevere il certificato di completamento.

Per richiedere una chiave di iscrizione per la pagina di COMPLETAMENTO PROGRAMMA, contattate il coordinatore BP del FPMT (FPMT Education Services BP coordinator).

Sarete qualificati a partecipare alla ripasso e all'esame finale avendo completato con successo i nove soggetti principali del curriculum del BP, sia online, sia in un centro, sia con una combinazione di questi due.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

Bienvenue sur la page de FIN D’ÉTUDES DU PÉBA DE LA FPMT !

Vous trouverez ici tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour compléter votre Péba avec la révision, l’évaluation finale et la retraite, y compris le diplôme de fin d’études.

Les matériaux inclus sont les questions de révision qui facilitent la période de révision de trois mois, les directives pour la révision, la feuille de confirmation de déclaration sur l'honneur de révision requise, une introduction aux documents de support de la retraite de lamrim d'un mois, les instructions pour accéder à et terminer l’évaluation finale du Péba et comment obtenir votre diplôme de fin d’études.

Pour demander une clé d’inscription pour la page de FIN D’ETUDES DU PÉBA, veuillez contacter le coordinateur Péba du Service Education de la FPMT.

Vous êtes qualifié pour participer à la révision et à l’évaluation finale si vous avez suivi complétement et avec succès les neuf sujets principaux du Péba, en ligne ou dans un centre, ou en combinant les deux.


Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

Welcome to the FPMT Basic Program FINAL EXAM!
To request an enrolment key for the BP FINAL EXAM please contact the FPMT Education Services BP coordinator.

Bienvenue sur l'ÉVALUATION FINALE du Péba de la FPMT !
Pour faire la demande d'une clé d'inscription pour l'évaluation finale en ligne, veuillez contacter le coordinateur Péba du Service Education de la FPMT.

Benvenuto all'ESAME FINALE del FPMT Basic Program!
Per ricevere un codice di accesso all'esame siete pregati di contattare il coordinatore del BP dell'FPMT Education Services.

¡Bienvenidos al EXAMEN FINAL del Programa Básico de la FPMT!
Para solicitar la clave de inscripción para este examen te rogamos que te pongas en contacto con el coordinador del PB del Servicio de Educación de la FPMT.

ONE-MONTH LAMRIM RETREAT - Guidelines and Support Materials

Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

This course provides support and guidelines to help fulfill the FPMT Masters Program Online and FPMT Basic Program Online one-month lamrim retreat program completion requirement. This retreat can be done by attending one of the month-long lamrim retreats organized at a center. The guidelines and materials provided here are intended for students who choose to do an individual retreat. Students who have completed the FPMT Basic Program three-month review and final exam, or the MP final review with assignments, can request access.

FPMT Basic Program students who studied at a center can complete their BP by doing three times a one-month lamrim retreat. For individual retreats, these students as well can make use of the guidelines and materials offered here.

For the FPMT Masters Program, one-month lamrim retreats will be a requirement for completion of the sutra subjects. Students may conduct these retreats individually, and the materials provided here are intended for them as well.

Access is free of cost; the access link is provided upon request by the BP and MP Coordinator of FPMT Education Services

PREPARATION FOR LONG RETREAT - Guidelines and Support Materials

Course categoryFPMT Basic Program Online

Presented here are support materials and guidelines to help prepare for the FPMT Masters Program completion requirement of a one-year lamrim retreat.

The materials are provided free of cost; for the access link please contact the In-Depth Program Coordinator of FPMT Education Services. Access is restricted to students who are preparing to go into long retreat in order to complete the FPMT Basic Program or the FPMT Masters Program retreat requirement.