Statements of Appreciation

Thank you for the many years of teaching and guidance the Foundation has provided to all beings, and to our group in particular. The Discovering Buddhism program has been our hub of understanding, the center of the Wheel of Dharma for us.
–Dave, Canada, July 2014

I can't put into words my deep appreciation for FPMT and the opportunity to study the dharma. Life changing would be a start.
–Carol, USA, May 2014

I am on my way working through the Discovering Buddhism program and I am very positively surprised of the quality, depth, meaning, inspiration and effect on me that the studies carry. With a sincere heart I will engage in my studies for the benefit of others and feel that this is a life changing education to take. I am most grateful for you all in your work that you have put this together and available. It'll provide me many great years to study. Also, I look very much forward to all the great things that are to come and great people to meet, and that I will be better equipped to help others.
–Henri, Finland, April 2014

When I first started trying to get a sense of Buddhism I read widely and in a way that, looking back, was really very scattered. After a time, and even studying with Tibetan teachers in India, I longed for a systematic approach that would begin at the beginning and fill in the foundational details that I knew I was missing. Discovering Buddhism is where I found them.
–Tim, Japan, November 2013

I just want to share with you my joy to be able to follow the Mani Retreat in Mongolia since august 01 till today, some hours ago who successful finish. Is just for the kindness of this great being who is our Precious Guru that many sentient beings around the world, like me could received this VERY PRECIOUS AND INSPIRING TEACHINGS and to have the opportunity to join in the recitation mantras in the distance.

I appreciate very much the effort that FPMT does in internet, to benefit the world in this difficult times, and all the students around the world; but it is very clear that all this is just for Rinpoche’s kindness.....THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH.
–Mayra, Mexico, August 2013

I feel so fortunate to have found FPMT--this forum allows me to feel part of a spiritual community in a way I have not experienced before. It is tremendously comforting and reassuring to read the correspondence, and be able to dialog with kind and wise people. For nearly a year I have been concerned with how to make my quest for personal growth a less solitary one. This works well for me.
–Jason, USA, July 2012

These online courses are just excellent (from what I've seen so far). May FPMT be truly blessed for its wonderful outreach in sharing the Dharma with a world that is suffering!
–Alex, Australia, May 2012

I am truly grateful for your great great work at FPMT and I very much want to give my contribution. Your services are very generous and rich in content and it's a joy to read your materials and listen to the great recorded teachings. So I certainly want to give my little contribution to help you guys continue your work of preserving and spreading the Dharma so more people can benefit from this incredible wealth of wisdom, experience and goodness
–Christoffer, Sweden, April 2012

Thank you so much for your help! Great to see that there is such a complex studyprogram on the web for us, who do not live nearby a studycentre!
–Tara, Sweden, October 2011

Please know that I am extremely grateful to all of you, my Dharma friends, instructors, all who have created this course, and precious (lama Zopa) Rinpoche. I can't tell you how much I have gotten from it and it has given me so much more of a complete understanding of the Lam-Rim. I now know how to go about looking for a qualified tantric teacher. My life has been so enriched by the Discovering Buddhism teachings. There are not enough thanks in this world to express my gratitude....I feel truly blessed to have discovered FPMT and the Discovering Buddhism teachings which filled a huge hole in my life.
–Torraine, USA, June 2011

I appreciate all your work so very much. Without you all at FPMT I wouldn’t be on this amazing journey.
–Julie, Australia, June 2011

Through the Online Learning Center, the FPMT website, the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and everyone who has helped with these programs, the Buddha's teachings are available to almost everyone on the planet. That's several billion people if not all seven billion of us currently residing on planet earth that now have access to the Buddha's teachings. If they have access to the internet, then they can get the teachings of the Buddha. Holy Mackerel! How much virtue is that?
–Diana, USA, April 2011

Without the homestudy programme, I wouldn't be able to study the dharma at all. So thank you, FPMT.
–Richard, UK, April 2011

I am just sooo loving the Dharma. I can't begin to tell you how much the teachings have given me. And I really think it has helped those around me!...I rejoice in the Dharma all the time and cant believe that I am so fortunate to have such amazing access to the teachings….Much love and many blessings to all of you at FPMT who are giving me the precious opportunity.
–Julie, Australia, March 2011

I want to say how grateful I am that you're putting these teachings online and making them so easily available…..I've gotten more out of the BIN modules than I ever did from reading books on my own. So, thank you for making this a reality.
–Diana, USA, February 2011

The Discovering Buddhism program has opened many doors that I never knew existed before. As a student trying to access the Dharma from afar, I have found the program both extensive and accessible. It has helped to make the teachings come alive for me. Please continue your good work
–Dave, Canada, October 2010

WOW. Thank you very much for this oportunity. I can´t be there but the fact that this is available to me is amazing. Thank you very much, keep up the good work!
–Lina Maria Yepes, September 2010

The video webcast quality is excellent, and i am so grateful that it's in a format that is accessible to my computer. Thank you for broadcasting this!
–Dan Retoff, September 2010

I just want to thanks all your kind effort to the Kadampa Center Staff for giving us the opportunity to connect with the Precious Teachings of our Precious and Holly Guru Kyabje Lama Zopa Rimpoche.... I am an old mexican student of Rimpoche and actually I am doing 3 years Lam Rim Retreat at home as Rimpoche advice me to do for me this is a great Dharma Gift.....All the Buddhas bless you and your center.
–Mayra, Mexico, September 2010

I’ve been watching Rinpoche’s teachings already and I’m so greatful for that opportunity. Thank you so much for making this possible !!
–Inge Homma, September 2010

Such an extraordinary is really so, so special... Endless heartfelt thanks to all LOP team that have made it possible for us, so far be so close.
–Lindy Mailhot, September 2010

It is absolutely wonderful you are making this available online— thank you!
–David Zinn, September 2010

Dear all the volunteers and staff of LOP, Thank you so much for making Rinpoche's teaching in LIVE webcast. How wonderful it would be if all activities of Rinpoche are make available in LIVE webcast!!! hahaha.... I want to let you all know that by making Rinpoche's teaching in LIVE webcast, it eliminates the complaints that people feel being disconnected from Rinpoche because Rinpoche couldn't visit the Center country for many years due to His busy schedule. And it also helps people to save their travelling expenses, especially those who are not able to travel (even to neighbouring countries) due to financial reason or physical disabled to receive Rinpoche's teaching right in front of them! This is so cool, and it is so great!

Imagine in the ancient time when many practictioners have to travel afar, crossing the mountain and ocean, risking their life, facing difficulty and hardship for the sake of receiving dharma teaching. Even nowadays, people spending thousand of dollar to travel for receiving teaching. But here right now, without any hardship and expense, we can receive the teaching in front of us.... right in front of us, in our own house, in our own room, and all we have to do is to find time, switch on computer and get connected! How truly wonderful is this.....

I have been watching the live webcast since you started on 14th. Although we are physically thousand miles away from each other, yet by watching the live webcast, it naturally link up the mental connection... and immediately feel the guru's blessing is right here with me while sitting comfortably on my own chair, in my own room, and having breakfast by myself alone with my own guru! hahahahaaahaaaaahaaaaaaa... I sincerely want to THANK YOU ALL for making this available. It is truely beneficial. THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRYYYY MUCH!!!!
–Thubten Osel, Malaysia, September 2010

Well done and Thank you very much for the arrangements to let us have such precious chance to receive teaching from overseas. MBA (Hong Kong center) :-)
– Esther Ngai, Hong Kong, September 2010

The streaming live feeds of the teachings look very good and are incredible! Thank you!
–Chris, September 2010

Thank you what a wonderful oppourtunity to share in Lama Zapa Rinpoche's Teachings tonight!
–NovaCy, September 2010

This is unbelieveable, to be able to watch Rinpoche live from far away, and in such good quality. Thank you so much, its really a good job.
–Michele, USA, September 2010

Thank you very much to all the people that made the live webcast possible! I wish you all all the best! :-)
–Gaki, September 2010

Thank you so much for doing a live webstream! Even though my internet connection is very shaky, I am at least able to hear our precious guru and feel like I am at the nice :)
–Helen, Australia, September 2010

Thank you so much for making Rinpoche's live teachings accessible like this. Even though I can only watch/listen for a little bit each day (because of work, etc.), just knowing that I can, and having heard what I have, fills me throughout the day with the sense of being present at this great event.
–Norma, USA, September 2010

Thanks so much to all the team. This is amazing, to have Rinpoche's teachings so readily available to us. Thank you, thank you.
–Cath, USA, September 2010

Have to tell you, I find the (Living in the Path) modules are great. I mean I have watched bits of the videos last September, but been studying with the modules this last weeks, it’s something else, it really allows to go much deeper into the teachings, awesome.
–Detchen, France, September 2010

The online learning centre is an absolutely, wonderful incredible resource. Truly, what a gift! Thank you.
–Mary, Canada, August 2010

I have been using the online material from the Lop retreat, provided through the very hard, untiring work of (FPMT Education Services), and I never said thank you to you all for this excellent work. I had gone through the audio files of most of the beginning teachings and the transcripts, making up my own summary of the first few day's teachings, to keep the motivations and to do the mantras and some of the mindfulness exercises. But when going through the materials provided by the learning center, divided up in modules and sessions, I was amazed at how nice and practically it was done, making it very clear what Rinpoche's intentions and wishes are, on how these teachings should be used; and now I'm trying to use it as much as time allows.
–Anonymous, Belgium, August 2010

I wanted to write with a big thank you: The LOP Module 1 review is so helpful, well organized, and perfect for preparing for our second retreat. Thank you for your time and energy to make this possible for all of us. I especially love the video exerpts - it saves time for me to watch them cued up and ready to go for that particular section. Super.
–Charmaine, USA, August 2010

Last week I decided to be a friend of FPMT because of a lovely feeling in a strange dream, it was like a vision. Today I have just entered the course (Discovering Buddhism) for the first time and I've found something great. I want you to know I liked it very much really and I got surprised to find out this method to learn Buddhism so complete. I am really happy!! During the last years I have been with serious doubts about my beliefs in Buddhism because of a personal crisis and now it's like DISCOVERING BUDDHISM ! ! ! Thanks to FPMT learning program I'll be able to learn Buddhism closely and learn English too!!! It’s worth to support the FPMT projects as long as possible and it's the best thing I did.
–Carlos, Spain, June 2010

The Online Centre and the generosity of availability is amazing and ....leaves me lost for words..thanks certainly doesnt cover the deep gratitude felt.
–Lindy, Tasmania, June 2010

Thank you a million times for making these precious teachings available on the internet. Such a joy and an unbelieveable gift to be able to listen to Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche while being home. May all your work be rewarded in the ultimate way. I rejoice infinite times in this wonderful opportunity created.
–Ivy van E, April 2010

I want to thank you and your team for such a wonderful teaching program, I am absolutely loving it and it helps give my practice true focus and guidance.
–Ross Smith, April 2010

Thank you so much for sending me this (information about the Online Learning Center)! It is truly a thing of beauty! ..You guys really created something hugely magnificent. And the interconnection/Indra's Net of all the click-on options will bring the beauty of simplicity to the actual study of the work. It's a lot of material presented in a really non-overwhelming, manageable format. Another multi-faceted, infinitely beautiful gem in the Jewel Ornament of the Education Department!
–Lenore, USA, March 2010

I think FPMTs Discovering Buddhism Online program is the best introduction to Buddhism available on the Internet. When this course first came out, the courses use of technology to present the dharma was groundbreaking. There simply was no other course on the Internet like it.

For those of us who might not live close to a center, the opportunity to study the Buddha’s teachings, such as Lama Tsongkhapa’s presentation of the Lam.rim with qualified teachers is extremely hard to find.

Each module topic’s presentation of guided meditation was a “mental eye opener” for me. Previous to the Discovering Buddhism Online program, I had never before encountered this type of meditation. Each module seemed to be like a breeze of fresh air, inflating my mind and, eventually, perhaps, deflating my ego.

–Paul Stevenson, Discovering Buddhism student and Liberation Prison Project teacher

The (Light of the Path) retreat lit a fire of motivation, providing fuel for the effort required to establish a daily practice where I’d previously had none. For that alone, it was the single most important event in my life, and I will be forever in Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s debt, until by following his perfect instruction I attain Buddhahood

–Eric, Light of the Path retreat participant, Oct 2009

I wanted to share with you and to thank you for the amazing jobs you are doing, placing the FPMT into a new Era of spreading the Dharma. it is really an amazing job, a really new step in FPMT ERA to spread the dharma, something to celebrate.

–Thubten Kunsang, Oct 2009

Just wanted to tell you what an AWESOME job you've done on the LOTP website!!

–Jane, Sept 2009

Thank you so much for sending me this (information about the Online Learning Center)! It is truly a thing of beauty! ..You guys really created something hugely magnificent. And the interconnection/Indra's Net of all the click-on options will bring the beauty of simplicity to the actual study of the work. It's a lot of material presented in a really non-overwhelming, manageable format. Another multi-faceted, infinitely beautiful gem in the Jewel Ornament of the Education Department!

–Connie Krause, Sept 2009

My husband, Cezar & I are both pensioners and we really appreciate being able to do some of the lessons at home.

We also appreciate and feel very blessed to have these teachings so freely available. A very special "Thank you" to you and all who contributed to making this course available on the Internet. It must have been a mamoth undertaking.

–Maureen, July 2009

I have already studied this course at the Jamyang Centre London, but never took it as a certificate course. As I have already studied this, I used the online course as a intense refresher, one session of teachings each day & 3 sessions of meditations each day.

As a kind of mini retreat and break from my current studies. It has revitalized my practice, increased my motivation and helped with my current studies.

I would encourage all students who have been practicing for a long time to take some time and use these courses as a refresher and to check that understanding hasn't become distorted over years of training, which can easy happen.

If you lose your understanding of the basics the rest of your studies and practice will not be effective.

Thank you all so much for your efforts in putting this online service together, using it has been like splashing clear water on my tired face, it has removed the dirt that has built up, reinforced my understanding and refreshed my practice.

–Mark Grooms, June 2009
最終更新日時: 2014年 07月 14日(月曜日) 08:01