Courses on the topic of death and dying. 


Heart Advice for Death and Dying

ประเภทของรายวิชาAdvice for Death & Dying

HADDThis course provides practical ways for thinking about and preparing for your own and others' death. It is suitable for anyone—Buddhist or not—who is interested in learning about death and dying from a Buddhist perspective. As a result of having done this course, you feel much more confident about facing your own death and also for helping others die. 

The course consists of five sessions of teachings, ten guided meditations, ten mindfulness practices to help keep the teachings in mind throughout the day, and many other materials to help you prepare for your own and others' death. The course book, Heart Advice for Death and Dying, includes teachings and meditations by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. How to Enjoy Death, also by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, is highly recommended additional reading.

The course is taught by Ven. Sangye Khadro, a senior American teacher of Tibetan Buddhism known for her engaging, gentle, and down-to-earth teaching style.